A Farm-Based Solution To Our Climate Challenge, Grounded In Soil
A Farm-Based Solution To Our Climate Challenge, Grounded In Soil
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Our Soil Is Our Solution

Agoro Carbon is addressing the global climate challenge by inspiring and empowering farmers to sequester carbon in their soils with carbon credit incentives, agronomic expertise and technology.

We bring together farmers, ranchers, agronomists and businesses to form a market-leading, collaborative alliance for ag-based carbon removals. Our objective is to drive a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere while improving farmers and ranchers livelihoods and reducing food insecurity.

With the support of Agoro Carbon Alliance, farmers and ranchers have a trusted partner in transitioning to conservation farm practices that meets their operation’s specific needs, offers access to the carbon marketplace and income through quality verified carbon credits, provides long-term benefits to  production, and minimizes risk.

Since our June 2021 launch, Agoro Carbon has paid out over $9 million dollars in revenue to farmers and ranchers. We believe in our work, and share the risk with ag producers, by offering forward payments for practice changes, and support them every step of the way with local agronomic advice.

Carbon Farming Is Good For Our Farmers, Our Planet And Businesses

Why all this attention on capturing carbon in soil? Storing carbon in the ground is a highly affordable and scalable way to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. It’s also an enabler of healthy, secure and sustainable food systems.

38% of our global land surface is used for agriculture. Farmers and ranchers are at the forefront of soil carbon sequestration potential. They have a unique opportunity to be an essential resource in reversing the effects of climate change all while enriching their land’s livelihood and sustaining their legacy.

Did you know? One metric ton of carbon is removed from our planet’s atmosphere for every 2,000 acres that transitions to carbon farming.

Carbon improves soil health. It gives soil structure, stores water and nutrients that plants need, and feeds vital organisms. Healthier soil is more productive, resulting in higher crop yields and resilient food systems.

Hear from a US Farmer About Joining Agoro Carbon

Partner With Agoro Carbon To Build Soil Health And Farm Wealth

Conservation ag practices like cover crops, reduced tillage, grazing management and interseeding are proven to increase soil fertility, productivity and profitability. With Agoro Carbon, they can also generate carbon credits that add a new revenue stream to your operation.

We help producers future-proof their business by supporting them to implement climate-smart practices that reduce emissions and/or capture carbon in the soil while protecting yields and livestock condition.

Partner With Agoro Carbon To Build Soil Health Through Conservation Practices

Conservation ag practices like cover crops, reduced tillage, grazing management and interseeding are proven to increase your lands fertility, productivity and profitability. With Agoro Carbon Alliance, they can also generate carbon credits that add a new revenue stream to your operation. We help farmers and ranchers future-proof their business by supporting them to implement sustainable practices that reduce emissions and capture carbon in the soil.

Backed By Yara International

We are a company initiated by Yara International. Our founding partner and the first alliance member is the industry’s only global crop nutrition company.

With more than a century of agronomic expertise, a strong global presence/network, and large market shares across four continents, Yara is a resourceful and resistant pillar to support our ambitions – and help drive us towards realizing our vision.

Agriculture As A Leader In Climate Sustainability

Why should businesses get involved? Agoro Carbon offers high-quality, farm-based carbon credits to companies looking to meet their carbon-neutral pledges by supporting farmers and ranchers, creating a sustainable value chain, and making a direct investment in the transition to sustainable agriculture.

Buying farm carbon credits is one prominent way for businesses to neutralize their emissions and take action on global farm decarbonization.

Agoro Carbon provides a scalable solution to reduce emissions in a verified, trustful, transparent, and traceable way.

Joining Agoro Carbon made sense for my ranch because I am always looking for ways to better manage my acreage and utilize all of my forage base. With the capital investment I received, I can add pipelines to move water to other parts of my ranch, allowing for effective rotational grazing. It makes sense for my bottom line, improving plant and nutrient diversity, and ultimately cattle health.

