RFD-TV Market Day Report: Interviews A Carbon Farmer

Learn about Indiana farmer, Brian Miller, and his experience with carbon farming and the Agoro Carbon program so far. Brian farms corn, soy, wheat, hay, and cattle. He did his carbon research, selected a program, then his practices (cover cropping, nitrogen optimization), and has been enhancing his soil health practices over the last few years.

Understanding The Carbon Cycle In Farming

Capturing Carbon Across US Range & Pasturelands Undoubtedly, ranching demands immense effort and sacrifices. The increasing producer interests. However, carbon ranching presents an opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate farmer and ranchers’ contributions in more ways than one. By partnering with the right experts, carbon ranching or “carbon cropping” offers long-lasting benefits that extend beyond today’s […]

Finding Value In The Carbon Markets

In this article from Seed World magazine, Agoro Carbon’s Regional Sales Manager Jerry Stephens highlights how farmers can benefit from the carbon market. “I don’t sell anything to producers, I can only buy carbon credits,” says Agoro Carbon Alliance Regional Sales Manager, Jerry Stephens. “Right now, the methodology for creating carbon credits is where Agoro Carbon is […]

Illinois study shows universally positive effect of cover crops on soil microbiome

Microbial activity in soils is responsible for so many of the natural, critical processes involved with growing crops- most of which we take for granted! Nutrient cycling, aggregate stability, and so many symbiotic relationships between plant roots and microbes make growing the phenomenal crops that we do possible and sustainable. This new global analysis from […]

Carbon Cropping Challenges in the Northern U.S., Thoughts from an Agronomist

There are inherent challenges with introducing new conservation practices on any farm.  Whether it is in a corn, soybean or wheat field or others, these challenges may be the same or they may be unique, depending on a variety of factors.  When an additional layer of constraint is added to these systems, the challenge can […]

Why I Chose To Join The Agoro Carbon Alliance

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsvVpDDJQds Watch third generate dryland wheat farmer, Devin Moon, explain why he choose to get his farm involved with the Agoro Carbon carbon cropping program.

How Can Early Adopters Benefit From Carbon Farming?

Most of the regenerative farming practices are not new, but are back in the spotlight and part of carbon credit programs. Can legacy conservationists – who have been carbon farming for many years already – still benefit from the carbon markets? As an agronomist, I advise them the following:  I hear a lot of frustration […]

Cover Crops & Carbon Sequestration

For many years prior to the industrialization and mechanization of agriculture in the early to mid-20th century cover crops were an integral component of many farm operations – Thomas Jefferson even wrote about them in his farm journal. In modern agriculture cover crops have gained immense popularity amongst progressive and innovative farmers and ranchers as […]

The Relationship Between Nitrogen Efficiency and Carbon Sequestration

  Upon reviewing the list of practice changes that growers can implement to enroll in a carbon credit program one that seems to generate confusion is nitrogen efficiency. What does the efficient usage of nitrogen have to do with sequestering carbon? It is important to first explain what the term “nitrogen efficiency” means in terms […]