RFD-TV Market Day Report: Interviews A Carbon Farmer

Learn about Indiana farmer, Brian Miller, and his experience with carbon farming and the Agoro Carbon program so far. Brian farms corn, soy, wheat, hay, and cattle. He did his carbon research, selected a program, then his practices (cover cropping, nitrogen optimization), and has been enhancing his soil health practices over the last few years.

Conversations with Farmers: Legacy, Profitability and Sustainability

We sat down with Nebraska farmer, Jim Geyer, to talk about his operation. Jim is a fourth generation family farmer located in Madison County, NE. Watch as he talks about the conservation practices (no-till) on his farm and how they are impacting his legacy, profitability and sustainability goals. “It’s important to me to carry on […]

Straight Talk About Carbon – Agriculture’s Critical Role in the Carbon Market

Straight Talk About Carbon In this episode, we recorded LIVE from Commodity Classic in New Orleans. Mark Worner, Agoro Carbon agronomist, sits down with Brownfield Ag News’ Meghan Grebner to chat about agriculture’s critical role in the carbon market and general carbon space. Worner also speaks to how farm advisors can participate.

Straight Talk About Carbon – Understanding the Science of Soil Carbon Sequestration

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1SmQfxgSZ4 Straight Talk About Carbon In this episode, Caleb Smith, Agoro Carbon agronomist, talks with Brownfield Ag News’ Meghan Grebner about the advantages sequestering carbon in the soil brings to farmers. Smith also discussed why cover crops are important for farmers seeking to put carbon back in the ground. Watch to learn more!

How to Conduct Soil Sampling – Bulk Density Test

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCwMTDJplRk A bulk density test helps determine soil’s density and weight We sample three different depths so that we know exactly how the total soil organic carbon (SOC) is behaving. Our goal at this step is to learn how different depth increments are changing based on practices and what is happening in the total soil […]

Straight Talk About Carbon – Better Understanding the Carbon Market

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AW_-qIKHZE Straight Talk About Carbon In this episode, Jerry Stephens, Agoro Carbon Regional Sales Manager talks with Meghan Grebner of Brownfield Ag News about carbon credits and the information farmers need to decide if this is a fit for their farm or ranch. Watch to learn more!

Straight Talk About Carbon – Digging Deeper in the Carbon Space

Straight Talk About Carbon In this episode, Agoro Carbon’s Regional Sales Manager, Todd Carlton, provides some insight on what farmers need to know about the future of carbon cropping. Precision ag, fertilizer management, and sustainability create an incredible opportunity for farmers in the carbon space. Watch to learn more!