RFD-TV Market Day Report: Interviews A Carbon Farmer

Learn about Indiana farmer, Brian Miller, and his experience with carbon farming and the Agoro Carbon program so far. Brian farms corn, soy, wheat, hay, and cattle. He did his carbon research, selected a program, then his practices (cover cropping, nitrogen optimization), and has been enhancing his soil health practices over the last few years.

Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 7: You Just Signed A Carbon Contact, Now What?

Do you know what to expect after signing a carbon contract? In this episode you’ll learn what happens after a farmer or rancher signs a carbon contract – plus, how they’re supported along the way. If you’re contemplating a carbon program, you’ll learn about some important questions from the farm and ranch perspective to ask […]

Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 6: Carbon From A Range Agronomist’s View

Agoro Carbon promotes carbon sequestration practices on ranches nationwide. In this episode we dive into what conservation practices look like in range and pastureland. Range Agronomist, Brekke Munks grew up in rural Wyoming on an elk refuge surrounded by rangeland and cattle. With a strong background in agronomy and animal health (Ph.D. Agronomy, M.S. Plant Science […]

Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 5: A Carbon Buyers Perspective

We are heading up the value chain with Ariel Perez of Hartree Partners to learn the carbon marketplace perspective from one buyer. Hartree Partners is a global energy and commodities firm that provides high-impact, low-cost solutions to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon future and to monetize the potential of that shift for their customers. In […]

Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 4: Science Of Soil Carbon

Indiana Agronomist, Caleb Smith, takes us behind the conservation farm practices to talk about the science happening under our feet – in soil carbon. Caleb answers some of the common questions he gets about soil organic matter, soil organic carbon, measuring carbon sequestration and how it relates to soil health. From influential factors to common […]

Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 3: Carbon Farming From A Grower’s Perspective

In our last episode we talked about how Agoro Carbon Alliance was created to facilitate improvements on the farm/ranch that reduces carbon and sequesters more carbon in the soil. These changes are not only good for soil health and bringing an additional revenue to the farm, but are beneficial to the climate, as well. In […]

Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 2: Is Carbon Farming For You?

We speak with Agoro Carbon Alliance’s agronomists to answer some of the most common questions you may have about Carbon Farming.  Mark Worner (Ohio-based) and Travis Kidd (Texas-based) help growers and ranchers understand the benefits and drawbacks of conservation practice changes that can help your land improve soil health and bring in additional income. In future episodes […]

Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 1: So What’s Carbon Farming?

At Agoro Carbon Alliance, we’re taking action across the global food value chain to grow a permanent, farm-based carbon solution through Farm Carbon Credits and certified climate-smart crops. One question that we hear more often than any other is: so what is carbon farming, anyway? In this introduction of the Carbon Farming Podcast, Alex Bell, co-founder and […]

Carbon market experts talk additionality premiums

A pair of our carbon market experts, Todd Carlton and Clay Craighton, say farmers and ranchers should look to capitalize on green practices before implementing them. Regional Sales Manager Todd Carlton tells Brownfield Ag News that ag producers should take their time when looking at carbon programs, but do it before making changes to farming […]